jQuery vs Vue.js

October 20, 2021

jQuery vs Vue.js: Which One Is the Right Choice for You?

Web development has evolved rapidly over the years. With new frameworks and libraries emerging every day, it can be an overwhelming experience to choose the right one for your project. Two popular choices in the web development world are jQuery and Vue.js. Both of these libraries have their strengths and weaknesses. In this blog post, we'll compare both libraries to help you decide which one to use for your next web development project.


jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, and animating for quick and easy web development. It has been around for more than a decade and has a vast community. jQuery is used widely by developers and is supported on all popular browsers.

Benefits of jQuery

  • Easy to learn
  • Large community
  • Supports older browsers
  • Low learning curve
  • Cross-platform compatibility
  • Extensive documentation

Drawbacks of jQuery

  • Not suitable for large scale and complex applications
  • Limited data binding capabilities
  • Code can become messy and difficult to maintain
  • High performance overhead


Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that is quite similar to Angular and React. It is a popular library that provides a set of helpful tools for building web interfaces. Vue.js is perfect for building dynamic applications, and it allows developers to write declarative rendering code. Vue.js has seen massive growth and adoption since its creation in 2014.

Benefits of Vue.js

  • Easy to learn
  • Excellent data binding capabilities
  • Low learning curve
  • Highly adaptable
  • Faster than jQuery
  • Highly optimized for performance
  • SEO-friendly

Drawbacks of Vue.js

  • Can be confusing to understand for beginners
  • Not ideal for building complex applications
  • Smaller community than jQuery

Comparison Between jQuery and Vue.js

When it comes to selecting jQuery or Vue.js for your project, there are a few things you should consider:


Performance is an essential aspect when choosing between a JavaScript library or framework. Vue.js is faster than jQuery because of its reactive data binding. In comparison, jQuery requires more coding, and its performance decreases with larger applications.

Learning Curve

Both jQuery and Vue.js are easy to learn, but Vue.js has a steeper learning curve than jQuery. Vue.js requires more knowledge to master for building complex and large-scale applications.


jQuery has a massive community of developers, making it widely popular and supported by developers worldwide. On the other hand, Vue.js has a small but growing community, making it a popular choice for developers.

Data Binding

Data binding is the ability to synchronize a view with a model smoothly. Vue.js has better data binding capabilities than jQuery, which results in faster and better-performing applications.


jQuery code can easily become messy and difficult to maintain, while Vue.js code is structured and easy to maintain.


Both libraries have their strengths and weaknesses. jQuery is excellent for small-scale applications that require simplicity, while Vue.js is perfect for building dynamic and complex applications with a more significant performance budget. Ultimately, the choice between jQuery and Vue.js depends on the needs of your project.

We hope this blog post helped you in deciding the right JavaScript library for your web development project.


  1. jQuery vs Vue.js
  2. jQuery or Vue.js?
  3. 5 Reasons Why Vue.js Is Winning Over React.js

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